Cancer Recovery Hampers: Supporting Your Loved Ones Through Tough Times
When a loved one is going through cancer treatment, finding the right way to show your support can be challenging. Words sometimes feel...

Practical and Emotional Ways to offer Support for Someone Diagnosed with Cancer
When someone is diagnosed with cancer, their needs can be diverse and ongoing. Here are some practical and emotional ways you can offer...

Did I send a thoughtless gift to my friend with cancer?
Some years ago, and with the best intentions, I sent a package of gifts to my friend with cancer. As it turns out, it was the wrong gift.

Love to Give Gift Hampers talks about Feeling Fab Pamper Days
The pamper days are held once a month and are run by sponsors and volunteers. Volunteers include hair-dressers, nail technicians, make-up ar

Is Your Friend about to start treatment for Cancer?
Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments typically lower the patient's immune system. Fresh flowers carry small bugs and fungal spores and

11 Ways you can help your family or friend raise funds for their cancer treatment in NZ
So how can you raise funds to keep yourself or a loved one alive? Here is a list of 11 ways you can explore to help pay for ongoing medical

Is your friend a caregiver of a cancer patient?
Then a caregiver steps up and along with the patient, has a huge learning curve to negotiate. They need to learn about the cancer diagnosis,

Chemo Brain
Difficulty with Memory and Thinking - Known as 'Chemo Brain' What it is and How to Help Know someone who is going through cancer...

My Story - Part 2
After losing both my parents when I was 23, life spiralled a little out of control (no surprises there). Too much drinking to numb the pain,

My Story - Part 1
My name is Vicki and I create gift hampers. I grew up in small town NZ and worked from a young age. Like many kids I started a paper-run at